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Shut down in a sentence

  up(3)  down(1)
Sentence count:182+8Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: closeclose downclose upfoldSimilar words: put downcut downput down toshutshut outshuttleoutdooroutdoorsMeaning: v. cease to operate or cause to cease operating. 
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31. We stayed strapped in our seats with the Hueys shut down.
32. Male speaker Because of the concern we have decided to initially shut down ten pits.
33. It will be constantly monitored and if conditions change too quickly it will automatically shut down.
34. Disappointment followed, the lurid projector of mental pictures shut down and I was left feeling I ought to have known better.
35. Not long afterwards, I shut down my account and transferred the business to another hitherto dormant account.
36. Unable to dispose of the poisonous waste, the yeasts shut down and become dormant.
37. One hour later, the circuit breakers shut down the markets for the rest of the day.
38. This left them unable to pay some independent power generators, so they had to shut down.
39. Many museums shut down in the afternoon or are closed for restoration.
40. But unlike Napster, Gnutella has no executives who can be sued or central computer servers that can be shut down.
41. The women may close down the village boozer, but they will not shut down the business altogether.
42. A nearby snack shop run by an organization of blind workers has shut down.
43. But as they did Saturday against Louisville, the Bruins shut down with a large lead.
44. Another reactor at the plant was shut down temporarily in early February,[] leading to the introduction of power cuts.
45. If the temperature continues to rise above a pre-set critical level the power source will be shut down completely.
46. The power failure caused the whole computer system to shut down.
47. But those reactors were shut down for safety reasons in the 1980s and the nation has no active source of tritium.
48. If there were no blizzard to shut down Washington, there would still be the budget train wreck.
49. One shut down in 1970, two more in 1972 and a fourth in 1974.
50. If no progress is made in the budget negotiations by Jan. 26, the government offices could be shut down again.
51. The San Francisco venture shut down in January, less than halfway through its inaugural tour.
52. I wiped the tears away and shut down the Huey.
53. The fire, apparently caused by a short circuit, triggered an automatic safety system that shut down the plant.
54. Police shut down the new business, called Kim's, last week after a covert operation.
55. When Riddles disappeared, his uncle had shut down the store for three days to search for him.
56. Jobs had immediately disappeared, as inefficient eastern industries and bureaucracies were shut down.
57. The United States entered World War I, and Curtiss was forced to shut down before Neta had a chance to solo.
58. Ice can crack off into the engine air intakes and cause them to shut down.
59. Can Making Belfast Work be improved or should it be shut down to make way for alternative policies?
60. The Shell-owned Eider oil production platform, with 38 people on board, was shut down for a while.
More similar words: put downcut downput down toshutshut outshuttleoutdooroutdoorswithout doubtget downset downbeat downget down towash upfinish upnext dooreminent domaindowndownsgo downshadowwidowrun downhand downhold downlay downdo withlie downshadowyfall down
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